Go Birds!
Art in Motion: Penn Valley Families Explore Science & Creativity with Spin Art
Student Flynn wins LYFT award for Fairness & Sportsmanship for the month of December. Congrats, Flynn!
Student Jaasiel wins PBIS challenge and gets to read to Doc Hidalgo the therapy dog
Holiday Sing
Turkey Bowl
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Halloween Dictionary Fun
Happy Halloween!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Fire Safety with Levittown Fire Company No. 1
NOVA Teaches Cyber Safety
Penn Valley Partners with The Giving Tree & Giant to Help Local Food Pantries
From Piggy Banks to Budgets: Penn Community Bank Visits Penn Valley
Through the incredible generosity of Amazon and Reading is Fundamental (RIF), Penn Valley Elementary received 300 free "Literacy Kits"
Employees from Amazon in Florence, NJ donated free book bags containing school supplies for EACH Penn Valley student!
Yellowbird Players Visit Penn Valley
Start With Hello Week
Buddies Create Thank-You Cards for Local Service People